Michelle Leonard, Ph.D., L.P.

Professor of Psychology; Program Director, Health Psychology and Clinical Health Psychology
Michelle Leonard
College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Behavioral Sciences
CASL Graduate Programs
Virtually on Mondays 10-11am and Tuesdays 1-2pm

Teaching Areas:

Master of Science in Psychology, Psychology

Research Areas:

Clinical Psychology, Couples, Health Psychology

Biography and Education

Dr. Leonard is a clinical psychologist and an Associate Professor in Psychology. She earned her Ph.D. in 2008 from Wayne State University. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in the discipline of psychology.

Her research examines three main areas (1) how couples’ relationship characteristics influence health (2) how chronic health conditions, health risk, or health behaviors are associated with couples dynamics and (3) exploration of moderators of the couple relationship-health link. 

Selected Publications

Chatkoff, D., Leonard, M.T., and Maier, K., (2015) Pain Catastrophizing Differs between and within WHYMPI Pain Adjustment Classifications: Theoretical and Clinical Implications from Preliminary Data. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(4), 349-354.

Leonard, M.T and Geisser, M (2014).Using What We Know about Couples in the Context of Chronic Pain to Push for Continued Progress: Commentary on Vivekanantham and Colleagues. Pain Medicine, 15(5), 726-727.

Leonard, M.T., Issner J.H., Cano, A. Williams, A.M. (2013). Correlates of Spousal Empathic Accuracy for Pain-related Thoughts and Feelings. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 29, 224-233.